Monday, February 11, 2019
Babara was my neighbor here in Wilbur for twenty years. I first met her when I invited all my unknown new neighbors over to a party at my house, upon moving in. All day, then-strangers appeared at my door, some of them even with gifts. Barbara was one of these people, bringing me a "welcome" sign for my door that I still have. She was always kind, stopping her car to say a "hello" if I was out in my tiny yard when she passed by. I also well remember the time a young Madison met my Siamese cats and proclaimed them "rectangular" -- "She has rectangular cats!" is how she put it to her grandmother. Madison, I cannot say how endlessly she spoke about you and how proud she was. I saw Barbara at her home for the last time back in April and of course I was updated on any news about her grandkids, shown photos, and served a Diet Coke. Thank you again, Barbara, for being a good neighbor and an even better grandmother. You will be missed by many.